NasAuto: How we indexed more than 5 million pages in 6 months


Nas Auto


SEO Optimization

Start Date:

July, 2018

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NasAuto: How we indexed more than 5 million pages in 6 months


In this publication we look at a case study with our client that gives us insights and benefits – what methods to use in our SEO strategy.

Sale of auto parts, batteries, oils and auto accessories.

Improve indexing, traffic, and conversions.

Technical part

The first step in starting SEO optimization work on a SERPACT client site is OnPage SEO Audit. The audit is compliant with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and the Google SEO Starter Guide.

It shows the mistakes and weaknesses and the need to correct the wrong, missing or not well constructed elements.

Duplicate meta descriptions on the pages → instructions are sent, how to fix it
Duplicate title tag → instructions have been sent, how to fix it
Missing Photo →……jpg → instructions were sent, how to fix
Language: <! DOCTYPE html> to become <! DOCTYPE html> <html lang = “bg-BG” prefix = “og:” class = “no-js” lang = “bg”> <head> → instructions have been sent, how to fix it

Duplicate meta descriptions – 162 pieces → instructions are sent, how to fix it
Duplicate titles – 78 pieces → instructions are sent, how to fix it
Mixed content:…. +… → There are images http: on these pages. You need to replace their address with https
Missing image → instructions have been sent, how to fix it

Fix robots.txt → instructions have been sent about how to integrate
Putting sitemap.xml → instructions have been sent, how to configure with gzip has a link to the http picture in it → instructions have been sent, how to fix
Images without an alt tag → instructions are sent, how to fix it

NasAuto’s site had many technical problems. On the one hand – many products on the site that are not properly submitted to Google for indexing / bad communication with Google bot. On the other hand – technical issues on the site and on the products – duplicate titles, not good speed, lack of structured data through possible description: RDF, JSON-LD or microdata etc. Some of them are listed above. (A complete list of points we are doing technical SEO analysis you will be able to see in our web site very soon.)

It has gone through a serious process of checking and correcting duplicate headlines and descriptions, improving site speed, and building up structured data to deliver Google’s ordered information and make it easier for the site to “understand.”

Structured data

Several types of structured data were integrated – Local Business, Organization, Product, като Product + Offer integrated together are the most important when talking about optimization of an online store.

Интегрираха се няколко микроформата - Local Business, Organization, Product


Here’s the Offer data itself tested through the Structured Data Test Tool.

Ето и самият микроформат Offer, тестван през Инструмент за тестване на структурирани данни.


In the end, we have achieved this:

HTML Errors / Currently / – 0.

HTML грешки за отстраняване /в момента/ - нула.


The indexing of the site helped 2 things – a good sitemap and a good formatting of the content according to / structured data guidelines.

For the JSON form we wrote above. Structured data helps Google understand the activity and product in the internet-store.

The Sitemap / Sitemap.xml/, due to the huge number of products in the store, was distributed to smaller sitemaps – by categories / product sections /.

Nearly 3 million indexed URLs / mostly products /.

Близо 3 милиона индексирани URL адреса /предимно продукти/.

Indexing of the site continues to grow as it takes time for a Googlebot to browse and process these addresses.



The most important part – what is the benefit of all this if it does not bring traffic and conversions, that is, orders and money?

It leads to everything listed, of course.

Here are some statistics – 447% new users, 560% sessions growth. Impressive, right?

Ето малко статистика - 447% нови потребители, 560% ръст в сесиите. Впечатляващо, нали!

Keyword trend has increased significantly.

Keyword trend е увеличен значително

Here are the conversions – or, in particular, the orders we have contributed to.

В сравнение с предишния период - Organic Search /макар и втори по сила канал/ има растеж 7 352 %. Той е с по -висока от Google Ads реализация /0,36%/ и е довел до продажби за 10632 лв за периода.


(Return on Advertising Spent)

Compared to the previous period – Organic Search (albeit a second-largest channel) has a growth of 7,352%. It is a higher than Google Ads conversion / 0.36% / and has led to sales of BGN 10,632 for a 6 month period.

  • ROAS (Return of Advertising costs) is 55%!
  • For a new site, for a job of 6 months and in a niche with very high competition this is a significant result!
  • The effect of SEO is reflected in accumulation and takes some time, so this channel is going to be even more intense!

For us remains the satisfaction of the efficient work and the strong positive result for our client.

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