Cookies Policy

We at Serpact try to provide the most convenient and quality services to the visitors of our site.


To do this, we use cookies – small text files stored on your devices according to European cookie law. It is important to note that they do not collect personal information as required by law.

What we use cookies for

We use cookies to analyze the behavior of users of our site – what you like, what you don’t, what you find useful and what you skip. We use this information to improve the content in question on your site to help you make the most of it in the future. We use two types of cookies – those on our site and those generated by Google Analytics.

Google Analytics uses the _ga cookie now, but sometimes uses old cookies like _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz and more. Details of the cookies used can be found here: developers

To opt out of Google Analytics, visit: .


Cookie settings

Please select the Help menu on your browser for detailed cookies and how to remove them from your system.

You can get complete information about cookies at: .