Търси се Vue.js Front-end developer

За екипа на Serpact предстоят все по-нови предизвикателства! Част от тях включват и създаването на нов и свеж проект под шапката на SEO агенцията ни.Изтекла

За екипа на Serpact предстоят все по-нови предизвикателства! Част от тях включват и създаването на нов и свеж проект под шапката на SEO агенцията ни. Което води и до обявяването на свободни позиции.
Търси се Vue.js Front-end developer!

We are one of the luckiest agencies awarded at:

Serpact Team 2021

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a bright front-end team engineer, with at least a year and a half of experience developing customer-facing web applications.

Our weapon of choice is Vue.js, although we are open to React/Angular candidates who have just migrated to Vue.

Full-stack javascript developers with strong front-end skills are also welcome!

What can we offer?

As a part of a close-knit team, you’ll be a driving force behind our UI. Your voice will be heard, and you’ll be able to shape the product in short iterations. We strive for a culture of learning and sharing that knowledge. The learning opportunity is there as well – the teammates are knowledgeable, recognized experts in their respective fields, so you’ll be able to progress your skills and knowledge further.

Minimum Requirements:front_end_graphic

  • 1.5 years with Javascript ECMAScript 6+
  • 1.5 years with Vue.js 2+ and VueX
  • 2 years with HTML5, CSS3, SASS,
    and Tailwind CSS
  • Git
  • Good communication skills
  • An eye for detail
  • Technical English

Preferable skills:

  • Vue-router, Vuetify
  • Docker, docker-compose
  • Node.js / Express
  • Nuxt.js

Tech Requirements:

  • Primary Language – JavaScript
  • Primary Platform or Framework – Vue.js
  • Secondary Platform or Framework – Next.js
  • Main Database – MySQL
  • Implement new functionality for our UI
  • Maintain a sufficient set of tests
  • Maintain thorough documentation of the codebase
  • Take part throughout the whole development flow – brainstorming, architecture, implementation, testing, maintenance and bug fixing
  • Ensure that the backend team is in the loop on pending changes, and plan migration if needed

Job Details:

  • Seniority – MID
  • Job Type – FULL TIME
  • Team Size – 1-5
  • Stock Options – NO
  • Fully remote – YES
  • Customer facing – NO
  • Business travel – NO
  • Monthly gross salary: 4000 – 5500 BGN

Projects you will be working on:


Hiring Process:

1. We receive your CV and/or resume, and decide on the role fit
2. Phone screening and introduction
3. Technical interview and task (under 1.5 hrs)
4. We send out an offer or a feedback phone call
Ако всичко до този момент представлява интерес за теб, моля, изпрати ни свое CV/Резюме на nm@serpact.com